Obfuscations and Textual Resistance

Dublin Core


Obfuscations and Textual Resistance


Medieval Manuscripts
Interface Theory



Ian Galbraith

Collection Items

Reflection Across Plastic
A figure holds the lens of the camera and captures themselves in the mirror like state brought on by the interaction of light with the reflective plastic cover of the manuscript. The care the archive has taken to preserve has also prevented the…

Obfuscation Shown in Film: Sighted Blindness
The camera pans across the manuscript at random; from the distinct hole in the vellum, the lack of tassel, pendant, or seal and the presence of middle English indicates that this is UCR007. However, the interaction of light, plastic coating, camera…

The Pitfalls of Reflection
As you can see, the vernier of the plastic restricts usage.

The Pitfalls of Zoom
Comprehensibility slips away as the lens of a magnifying glass proves an inadequate tool for the task of observing the manuscript up close.

Hole in Vellum, Hairside, UCR 007
Another view of this same shot, the hole shown from the hair side.

Hole in UCR 007
The hole in UCR 007 from the skin side, letters seem to have been written around the hole thereby accommodating the gap in the Vellum.

Hole in UCR 007 Reverse Side
A look at the hole in UCR 007 fro the hair side.

A Blurry View of UCR 008 in "Zoom"
Attempting to get closer to the letters for clear view in the digital. Did we arrive at that goal?

UCR 006 Lens Reflection
A stylized shot shows the camera reflected in the text thereby erasing the text. This demonstrates
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